26 December 2011


I've been called a sick twisted fuck many a times before... as I've gotten older- it's become more and more of a compliment with my work. My incredibly talented and bad ass friend, the make up monster Sarah Tanno- credited as the queen "face beater" to Lady Gaga (shop talk for a really fucking good make up artist = "she knows how to beat a face", "that bitch beat the SHIT out of that face" etc etc) first told me about Chadwick Tyler last year, as a sick twisted fuck I would drool to work with... Shilshh- you weren't fucking around. Chadwick Tyler... a sick twisted fuck who is right up my alley... he captures this intense honesty of these beaten up strung out models that is just breath taking. I don't really care if you get it or not. If you do, don't thank me... thank my incredibly talented friend Sarah Tanno (Http:// )... Chadwick- from one sick twisted fuck to another... let's go riding through skid row- make the models look like they've been beaten to shit and need their next shot of heroin to see the light of day- and have them dripping in diamonds- while blood is dripping out of their mouths... that just gave me a fashgasm.

Xx bella

proud to be a sick twisted fuck

1 comment:

  1. Your work so amazing! Fan Jazzie. Bella. Best fashion monster!! <3
