09 January 2013


they do come true...

I promise.

I'm babydoll... and I found my little girl today as I unknowingly downloaded emily brownings rendition of sweet dreams last night...

while relishing and taking a moment to enjoy one of my favorite forms of art- dance... I found my little girl Sophia Lucia.

I need her I text to Mr. Drew Brown...

he just bought baby doll...

yes- me, her my little girl. same. the one approached and scratched at in those room "tossed around" of the past 10 years...

how perfect you danced to our music before my little girl?

we don't kill them all to win... they kill each other... we walk away with our beautiful black sheep my little girl...

we always win in the end. especially in this fairytale my little princess. my sweet dream is coming true...
dream bigger and harder- or just watch from the sidelines transients. don't slow me down while I'm running- because there are no boundaries to my story... my wylde my lolita continue it if they want to. this is my fairytale... watch me twirl not swirl you brain is a terrible thing to taste I agree that sounds dreadful and of disgust I know. how cute. misery. I think it's even more grotesque at the thought that one would waste it- because you already are eating each other. so what's to do with what's left little doggies... i'm just a little girl little friends.

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