01 March 2012


There's a girl whom could tell me to go fuck myself and I would still have the biggest smile on my face because well/ when you have the most stunning english accent- They can do that you know? But my Milly Bee... Whom is the founder of the tumblr is not that girl... She's the girl who calls me in the night as we excitedly talk about my visit upcoming to London and hers in September to LA- as we will ride wild horses while drinking our whiskey. She has a heart of gold and an impeccable eye for beauty and talent... Besides it all- she's stunning. She's that girl that walls by that you want to hate because of how stunning she is. And then to top it off the talent and the incredible personality? Fuck off- here are just a few photos of the inspiration she brings to the table of pretty whispers. I remember when we first started even talking about the concept... And then the crowns I started my kick on- they just fueled our fire, and only built or friendship stronger. I love you Milly Bee- you never cease to amaze me... And you always continue to impress me, and push me to hit my potential you know I have as a designer stylist and artist. I love my wild whiskey woman... And you can follow her: @prettywhispers and watch for Jazzie Bella for pretty whispers- you can now purchase the crowns we've been obsessing about the past few months! Email: to place your orders! Because nothing is pretty about whispers... Xx bella

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