29 December 2011


I'm born and raised in LA.
Had a fake ID at 15- was doing the party scene hard and heavy laughing with door men when my 21st birthday finally rolled around... I'm 26 now. Going out- just isn't my thing anymore. Same assholes different place each night. I just don't. I could care less-

But sometimes... When my girls rally and I put on my disco shoes and party panties... Here are some of the results (and I'm trying to be kind with the asshole faces I have at this point... I'll say that) but four bars, 3 dirty martinis, 2 vodka gimlets- a tequila sunrise and 3 red headed sluts later... Here I am at 5 pm the next day still complaining about my hair hurting. What an amateur I've become... or maybe I've actually just started to grow up. I'm hoping it's the later- but either way, sorry fashion monsters but last night I was a full blown party monster. Need to call my masseuse for an emergency session immediately... Sorry roxanne. Xx the party monster who still can't find that damn bottle of Advil... Asshole!

1 comment:

  1. And two lemon drop shots... Good memory j! Xx
